Thursday, February 11, 2010

Had another playdate

with Dexter, Sean and Ginny! Unfortunately, it was peeing rain so we got no photos.

Sean is off to his new home tomorrow. Say bye bye, Sean!


  1. Bye, Sean! Enjoy your forever home with the woolies!

  2. He looks like a very stoic boy.

  3. Sean looks as if he is saying "What's that?" He is a handsome boy. Will he be close enough that we will get to see pictures of him working the woolies? Go well, Sean.

  4. Sean is a handsome boy. Solo's ears have decided to tip-backwards. He looks like he's in a stiff breeze even when sitting perfectly still.

  5. Sean is close enough that TFL could come see him work sheep if she wants, and provided those pesky border people will let her through :) I will try my best to send photos of Sean (well, he's now The Pup Formerly Known As Sean) as he grows up & learns to work.

    He's a seriously wiggly mess of puppy! I'm glad he was returned :)

  6. What a GREAT picture! Sooooo, Ben... what will the Pup Formerly Known as Sean be called? Glad to hear he's wiggly and happy. Enjoy!

  7. TPFKAS is now called Hoot :) Or, mostly, You Bad Dog, You Varmint, etc, etc...
